Lincoln Electric poszukuje kandydatów na stanowisko :
EMEAR Internal Auditor
Location: Bielawa
Lincoln Electric jest światowym liderem w projektowaniu i produkcji urządzeń oraz materiałów dodatkowych do spawania łukiem elektrycznym, zrobotyzowanych systemów spawalniczych, plazmowych urządzeń tnących i osprzętu gazowego. Zlokalizowana w Cleveland, Ohio, firma Lincoln Electric posiada zakłady produkcyjne w ok. 40 krajach świata oraz sieć dystrybutorów i biur sprzedaży w ponad 160 krajach. Lincoln Electric zatrudnia ponad 11 000 pracowników.
Fabryki Lincoln Electric w Polsce ulokowane są na Dolnym Śląsku: Lincoln Electric Bester Sp. z o.o. w Bielawie oraz Lincoln Electric i Harris Calorific International w Dzierżoniowie.
Więcej informacji na stronach: oraz
- Assessing the control environment to determine the level of testing required in the entities;
- Preparing and executing detailed audit programs tailored on the entities of the Region;
- Performing the SOX and FCPA self and pre- audits in all entities included in the EMEAR Region, travelling at least 50% of the time;
- Identifying potential risks according with the SOX/FCPA requirements;
- Documenting the work performed in working papers with appropriate evidence for conclusions reached;
- Preparing written reports over the findings and recommendation for improvement;
- Following up and helping on the findings remediation with the Finance team along with the EU internal control manager and EMEAR management when required;
- Complementing internal audit teams on Corporate audit in or outside the EMEAR region;
- Participating in control environment implementation or remediation projects both inside or outside the EMEAR Region;
- Working in a team, cross functional within Europe and globally (corporate Internal Audit).
- Fluent English both written and spoken;
- 2/3 years’ experience in one of big 4 auditing companies;
- SOX and FCPA policies knowledge;
- US GAAP knowledge preferred;
- Ability to travel;
- Communication skills.
We offer:
- Work in an international environment in a company with a firm position in the market;
- Professional trainings and continuous development;
- Attractive salary;
- Possibility to grow.