niedziela, 16 lutego, 2025
Strona główna Kursy i szkolenia HOW TO FIND THE RED FLAGS OF FRAUD AND CORRUPTION ….learn the...

HOW TO FIND THE RED FLAGS OF FRAUD AND CORRUPTION ….learn the secrets of becoming a “fraud detective”!


….learn the secrets of becoming a “fraud detective”!
16-17.11.2015 Kraków

Fraud and Corruption is arguably one of the biggest challenges of our time and a massive drain on national and international economies and organisations. We all KNOW it’s there but the big question is WHO takes the trouble to look for it. [quote_box_right]ACFE / IIA survey results that Fraud and Corruption costs around 5% of turnover of an organsation[/quote_box_right]

The IIA most certainly believes Internal Auditors should actively go and root out for fraud and corruption.

But the question remains:  HOW do we find it?

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Course description

Fraud and corruption should no longer be seen as a risk as in most organisations as we are pretty sure that it happens (even when it has not been found yet). The purpose of this course, which is taught by practitioners, all with several years of experience in finding fraud, is to share with and provide as many practical tools, examples, and methods to find fraud to the participants within the space of a one-day intensive course. This is therefore not a course where you sit back and listen – this a course for people who really want to learn the “secrets” of being a Fraud Detective.

Target Audience

Internal auditors, and other auditors, controllers or in fact anybody who wisheds to be better at spotting and dealing with the red flags of fraud and corruption.

Health Warning: This course is a course for the brave!
It is not about internal controls!


What you will get out of this course
  • Learn how to quickly spot the red flags of fraud through realistic cases, examples, exercises and live situations
  • Become sharper at applying your own “powers of deduction”.
  • Be able to interpret a number of related red flags and behavioural aberrations and understand what these mean or what else they could mean
  • Understand how to visualise your findings in a powerful investigative relationship diagram
  • Be better at presenting fraud and corruption to senior management in a constructive and positive manner



Just like its sister courses, “Fraud Analytics” and “Fraud Risk Assessment”, this is a highly practical and intensive course. Participants will go through a number of guided exercises and simulations including:

  • Spotting fraud in places where it “hides” in accounts and documents such as invoices, correspondence, contracts, CVs and other places.
  • Identifying suppliers who are cheating you and customers who are likely to “go bad” on you
  • Shining light on hidden conflicts of interest
  • Learning to searching for fraud in raw data
  • Exploring, interpreting, understanding and finally investigating red flags and potential scenarios without leaving your desk
  • Red flags of fraud and corruption in conversations, writings, body language and human behaviour
  • Practicing presenting to management (the friendly type and the difficult type)


Course material and preparation

The course will be held in English and Polish. No preparation is needed- just a healthy desire to find fraud and corruption.  If you like please bring a PC, or tablet to the course.  It could help you enhance your fraud detective skills! Instructors Nigel Iyer and Krzysztof Klimczak

Nigel has over 20 years experience investigating and detecting fraud and corruption. A computer scientist and qualified chartered accountant Nigel soon found that his true passion lay in rooting out corruption and fraud. Nigel is also today a qualified dramatist and has written a number of films and plays based on experiences, many of which are used in teaching worldwide. He has written several books and papers, and teaches widely how to defend their organisations against the “commercial dark arts”. He is also a fellow of the University of Leicester School of Management.


Krzysztof is

Portal zawierający praktyczne informacje dla audytorów wewnętrznych, a także narzędzia i wzorce dokumentów audytowych oraz informacje o szkoleniach, artykułach prasowych i książkach o tematyce audytorskiej.


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