wtorek, 11 lutego, 2025


Due to further growth in the region, our Client, an international production company – leader in its branch, is seeking to recruit an open-minded and ambitious individual to strengthen their European Internal Audit services. The successful candidate, located in Poland, will be responsible for operations of the company in the CEE Region and will be offered unique possibilities for further development.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • Identify business risks and perform process risk assessments, in conjunction with Internal Audit management
  • Evaluate internal controls and adequacy of documentation and records
  • Work independently to develop audit work plans for financial, operational, and IT audits
  • Monitor compliance with Sarbanes Oxley requirements
  • Design recommendations and assist business units in implementing process and control improvements


  • Degree in economics with focus on finance, accounting
  • Minimum 3 years of professional experience developed in internal/external audit or in finance/accounting functions
  • Fluency in English, other European language is a plus
  • Leadership and team working ability in a multicultural environment
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Analytical skills and attention to details
  • Willingness for international traveling within the region

Please send your CV to Pawel Wierzbicki quoting reference number WWPW/2170 to


Portal zawierający praktyczne informacje dla audytorów wewnętrznych, a także narzędzia i wzorce dokumentów audytowych oraz informacje o szkoleniach, artykułach prasowych i książkach o tematyce audytorskiej.


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