wtorek, 14 stycznia, 2025


International company is looking for highly quality of candidate for the position:

for Central Europe countries
Workplace: Warszawa
Region Name: mazowieckie
The main purpose of this position is: develop, promote and maintain a long term and sustainable company growth by ensuring adequate internal control systems, compliance and minimizing any kind risk in PepsiCo Central Europe of following PepsiCo Global Control Standards (PGCS) principles (incl. appropriate safety of assets, processes, systems and documentation).
Key Responsibilities:

1) Internal Control Agenda
  • Set, maintain and keep up dated Internal Control Agenda for the company (action plan / project plan) which will support business priorities and achievement of the goals.
  • Manage implementation of internal control model on key business processes and ensure relevant documentation.
  • Ensure up to date of the documentation following changes driven by business.
    Provide workshops / presentations on internal control requirements and methodology of documentation preparation.
  • Develop and implement “Non-routine risk / fraud” matrix and manage implementation of supporting controls on business sub-processes. Design and manage at least annual test on critical areas.
  • Lead and execute annual Control Capability Self Assessment and ensure expected maturity level.
  • Ownership of adequate communication on internal control requirements through maintenance IC database / library, being point of contact and expertise center, interface to Region on IC related issues and support to the organization prior and during corporate audits.
2) Internal Control Improvement Program
  • Execute the Internal Control Agenda trough a definition of issues and developing, aligning and selling a concept of improvement and risk mitigation to functional heads and based on it to prepare, get approval and run communication on changes in internal control systems / procedures within the company. This should be ensured generally by:
    • Supporting design and coordination of implementation of remediation / improvement plans on failed KC, discovered issues during internal audits / tests / checks, corporate auditors recommendations as well as following changes in requirements
    • Participating in multifunctional projects and provide recommendations on control requirements
3) Internal Control Compliance
  • Continuous verification of adherence to pre-agreed internal control rules by repetitive monitoring of KPIs build into the IC procedures, development and execution of Internal Audit Plan, instigation of corrective actions / link back to agenda.
  • Support development and implementation of local policies and procedures to ensure clear rules on SoD, execution and control over business processes; Ensure compliance of local procedures with global PepsiCo polices.
4) Effective management of internal control team based in different countries.


Key Skills/Experience Required

  • University degree (economics / finance / accounting); CIA will be an advantage;
  • 7+ -year experience in accounting, finance and internal control
  • 5+ -year experience at senior managerial position
  • High managerial and interpersonal skills (communication, presentation, innovation, leadership, drive for result)
  • Broad business knowledge (structure, processes, objectives, priorities)
  • Good analytical skills (facts and numbers)
  • Fluent English (both – speaking and in writing)

If you wish to apply, please submit your written application – C.V.


Please add to your application following statement: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (tj. Dz. U. z 2014 r. poz. 1182, 1662)„.

Poprzedni artykułFraud &Risk Analytics Manager
Następny artykułCorporate Risk Manager
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